Abandon All Hope Frontside split Discount
$0.981 song from Abandon All Hope (New Mexico melodic hardcore with a metal bite) and 3 songs from Frontside (Chicago moshy metalcore). Full color artwork. Released by Mondo Man Records, 2003.
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1 song from Abandon All Hope (New Mexico melodic hardcore with a metal bite) and 3 songs from Frontside (Chicago moshy metalcore). Full color artwork. Released by Mondo Man Records, 2003.
Political punk rock. http: www.angelfire.com punk goodmorning
Political punk rock. http: www.angelfire.com punk goodmorning
Political punk rock. http: www.angelfire.com punk goodmorning
<a href= http: seasonaldisorders.bandcamp.com album hideaway >Hideaway by Seasonal Disorders< a> The Seasonal Disorders started in 2014 when brothers Ryan and Seamus Stevens from Portland, Maine met guitarist and songwriter Josh Malia (The Taxis, Hi-Fivin White Guys, Kurt Baker Band) with the idea of starting a punk band that held true integrity and paid homage…
&amp;lt;a href= http: deporterrecords.bandcamp.com album short-songs-from-long-fellows &amp;gt;Short Songs From Long Fellows by Various Artists&amp;lt; a&amp;gt; A compilation of short songs from some of Portland, Maine s best metal, punk, and experimental bands. 10 songs available exclusively on a 7 vinyl record. Released by the Entertainment Experiment, 2007 www.entertainmentexperiment.com
1998 release from the Arkansas punk band
Massachusetts compilation released in 1996 featuring songs by Gandiva, Baby Gopal, Accidental Birth, and Line Of Fire.
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