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Burford Holly Shrub Online


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Vigorous, Upright Growth + Rich Evergreen Foliage

Why Burford Holly Shrubs?

Known for its rich evergreen foliage and abundance of red berries, the Burford Holly is the most popular variety of its kind for good reason. Particularly suited for warmer climates, it s dense and layered in a natural upright form, ideal for natural hedging that s vigorous and full.

And its fast growth merges with deer resistance for an amazing combination. Plus, even though it’s a heavy producer of large, bright red berries, it doesn’t attract pesky deer. The Burford brings only graceful wildlife, like butterflies and birds, for an eye-catching show…and it doesn t need a pollinator.

Why is Better
But the best part about your Burford? It’s made to acclimate and grow well, long after it arrives at your door. That’s because we plant, monitor, and ship your shrub with the utmost care so that you get the best possible results. We put the extra work in to meticulously nurture your plant…and now, it’s a proven performer.

You’ll reap the rewards of our hard work: easy, low-maintenance growth, fast hedging, and unmatched color. Get your own Burford Holly Shrub, before it’s gone!

Planting & Care

1. Planting: Your Burford Holly, like most evergreen shrubs, is highly adaptable, but it’s important to select the right location – preferably one that receives 5 to 8 hours of sunlight per day and with well-drained soil. After selecting a location, dig a hole that’s two to three times the size of your shrub’s root ball, place your shrub, then backfill the soil while tamping down the soil to avoid air pockets. After planting, water to settle your Burford’s roots.

2. Watering: Water your Burford weekly, or more often in extreme heat. If you’re not sure when to water your shrub, simply check its surrounding soil down to about 2 or 3 inches. If the soil here is dry, water your Burford.

3. Fertilizing: Feed your Burford with a general-purpose fertilizer, before new growth begins in spring.

4. Pruning: If you want a neater appearance for your Burford, prune or shear annually in winter to shape it.